Hedgehog Family Plate
Step into the heartwarming world of our "Hedgehog Family Adventure Plate," a charming creation that tells a tale of family bonds. This one-of-a-kind plate, with a 21cm diameter, features an adorable illustration of three hedgehogs, capturing warmth and togetherness.
Lovingly handcrafted in Croatia by Valerie.Creating.Things, this ceramic plate is a true masterpiece, ensuring that each piece is unique and filled with character. The delightful hedgehog family illustration adds a touch of whimsy, making it not just a functional item but a piece of art that brings joy to your table.
Crafted with meticulous care, this plate is not only a visual delight but also a durable and practical addition to your collection. The hand-glazed finish adds a hint of irregularity, enhancing the individuality of this plate.
Whether you're serving meals, snacks, or displaying it as a decorative piece, this food-safe plate is a versatile companion. It's dishwasher and microwave-safe, making it convenient for everyday use.
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the "Hedgehog Family Adventure Plate," a unique creation that adds a touch of magic to your dining experience. Experience the artistry and quality that originates from Croatia, bringing warmth and joy to your table with this delightful plate.
Step into the heartwarming world of our "Hedgehog Family Adventure Plate," a charming creation that tells a tale of family bonds. This one-of-a-kind plate, with a 21cm diameter, features an adorable illustration of three hedgehogs, capturing warmth and togetherness.
Lovingly handcrafted in Croatia by Valerie.Creating.Things, this ceramic plate is a true masterpiece, ensuring that each piece is unique and filled with character. The delightful hedgehog family illustration adds a touch of whimsy, making it not just a functional item but a piece of art that brings joy to your table.
Crafted with meticulous care, this plate is not only a visual delight but also a durable and practical addition to your collection. The hand-glazed finish adds a hint of irregularity, enhancing the individuality of this plate.
Whether you're serving meals, snacks, or displaying it as a decorative piece, this food-safe plate is a versatile companion. It's dishwasher and microwave-safe, making it convenient for everyday use.
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the "Hedgehog Family Adventure Plate," a unique creation that adds a touch of magic to your dining experience. Experience the artistry and quality that originates from Croatia, bringing warmth and joy to your table with this delightful plate.
Step into the heartwarming world of our "Hedgehog Family Adventure Plate," a charming creation that tells a tale of family bonds. This one-of-a-kind plate, with a 21cm diameter, features an adorable illustration of three hedgehogs, capturing warmth and togetherness.
Lovingly handcrafted in Croatia by Valerie.Creating.Things, this ceramic plate is a true masterpiece, ensuring that each piece is unique and filled with character. The delightful hedgehog family illustration adds a touch of whimsy, making it not just a functional item but a piece of art that brings joy to your table.
Crafted with meticulous care, this plate is not only a visual delight but also a durable and practical addition to your collection. The hand-glazed finish adds a hint of irregularity, enhancing the individuality of this plate.
Whether you're serving meals, snacks, or displaying it as a decorative piece, this food-safe plate is a versatile companion. It's dishwasher and microwave-safe, making it convenient for everyday use.
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the "Hedgehog Family Adventure Plate," a unique creation that adds a touch of magic to your dining experience. Experience the artistry and quality that originates from Croatia, bringing warmth and joy to your table with this delightful plate.